Friday, August 13, 2010

Living Room Tour...

Just finished editing our Living Room Tour videos that we shot a couple of weeks ago...
We - Karrie Marshall, Jackie Goode and myself - toured seven living rooms in one day doing a half hour music show in each one...
Exhausting but exhilarating...
We started at Inver in Easter Ross at 12noon and finished around 10pm way up at
Glen Strathfarrar where we were bitten to bits by midgies....
Delighted to say we got a lovely reception everywhere we went...
Here's to the next one...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Some of my tunes....

Thought you'd maybe like to check out some of my tunes in case you've not caught anything on Facebook etc etc...
The beautiful guitar sounds are Martin Stephenson...
Keyboards played by Allan Leckie...
The rest is me...

Back to the grind...

Back to rehearsing for our set at the Steading Bar, Glenurquhart as part of our friend Willie's Loch Ness Film Festival....Steading Bar gig is from 7pm - 11pm Thurs 23rd September....and will, hopefully, feature lots of local talent....
Fingers ever so slightly dropping off with practicing....
Time for a cup of tea methinks...
Blog soon....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Apres Belladrum...

Well another Bella's all drummed out...
My friends Karrie and Chris at Zenwing Puppets did a beautiful puppet show called 'Treasure Island...'
Jackie Goode did a cracker of a comedy sketch show in the Venus Flytrap...
Geoff and Fuggo King dressed as, but much more beautiful, Kim and Aggie and dusted us all free of ash from the Icelandic volcano...Geoff was just a little TOO convincing as a woman...!!
And Henry Fosbrooke drummed and sang and drummed and sang....I think for the whole two days and nights...
If I can figure out how to get the pics from my phone onto here you'll get to see Geoff and Fuggo...
Off to do some more music....
Catch you later...