Thursday, December 15, 2011

Album Launch Nov 2011

Well, it was amazing - the album launch I mean......WHAT an enjoyable night......for Donald and myself to get a chance to do a whole night of music for everyone was just simply immense for us both.....thank you to all who came to the Global Village Coffee Shop, thank you also to those who tuned in via and to those who listened on internet radio - Medicine Show Internet Radio (MSIR) - thank you thank you thank you....

Our musicians were fantastic - big thanks to them all:
Gil, Tony, Howard, Matt and Elizabeth....
Thanks also to Rob Ellen of Medicine Music and to the lovely Ann and to Mark and Anya for the best venue in Scotland....and thanks to Fash for his brilliant and funny em-ceeing....
Biggest thanks and love to Donald for his beautiful guitar playing and singing....

So, so many thank yous!!
And since the launch we've had a ton of radio play in Britain, Europe and the United States and we'll hopefully be doing a radio stations tour pretty soon and a longed for gig at Leith Folk Club....

Meanwhile you can see us at Glachbeg Acoustic Folk Club on the Blackisle on Tuesday 20th Dec, the Global Village Coffee Shop in Strathpeffer on Thursday 22nd Dec and we'll be back at the Coffee Shop on the 30th of December supporting the incomparable Martin Stephenson - show available on

In the new year we're at the Market Bar in Inverness, Scotland on Friday 13th January from ten thirty....

In case I don't get back here before the festives take off, I wish you all a happy rest of December and the best 2012 you could ever dream of.....
Love and kindest blessings

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Astor Place Album Launch

It's nearly here - hurray! The album will be launched on Saturday 26th November 2011 at the Strathpeffer Coffee Shop at 8pm....
You can see it LIVE at
Or hear it LIVE at

Roll on Saturday.............

Monday, September 12, 2011

Jazz Cafe, London

Well, we're gearing up now for our support slot at the Jazz Cafe in London on Friday 16th September, 2011....
Great excitement!!
Flights all booked, passports at the ready (do we need a passport to go from Scotland to England?) and guitars tweaked and polished....
We're supporting the wonderful Helen McCookerybook who has realigned her 1980's band Helen and the Horns, and the lovely Martin Stephenson....
Man, it's gonna be a great night....
Come along, if you can get a ticket....they're hot hot hot.....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Living Room Tour...

Just finished editing our Living Room Tour videos that we shot a couple of weeks ago...
We - Karrie Marshall, Jackie Goode and myself - toured seven living rooms in one day doing a half hour music show in each one...
Exhausting but exhilarating...
We started at Inver in Easter Ross at 12noon and finished around 10pm way up at
Glen Strathfarrar where we were bitten to bits by midgies....
Delighted to say we got a lovely reception everywhere we went...
Here's to the next one...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Some of my tunes....

Thought you'd maybe like to check out some of my tunes in case you've not caught anything on Facebook etc etc...
The beautiful guitar sounds are Martin Stephenson...
Keyboards played by Allan Leckie...
The rest is me...

Back to the grind...

Back to rehearsing for our set at the Steading Bar, Glenurquhart as part of our friend Willie's Loch Ness Film Festival....Steading Bar gig is from 7pm - 11pm Thurs 23rd September....and will, hopefully, feature lots of local talent....
Fingers ever so slightly dropping off with practicing....
Time for a cup of tea methinks...
Blog soon....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Apres Belladrum...

Well another Bella's all drummed out...
My friends Karrie and Chris at Zenwing Puppets did a beautiful puppet show called 'Treasure Island...'
Jackie Goode did a cracker of a comedy sketch show in the Venus Flytrap...
Geoff and Fuggo King dressed as, but much more beautiful, Kim and Aggie and dusted us all free of ash from the Icelandic volcano...Geoff was just a little TOO convincing as a woman...!!
And Henry Fosbrooke drummed and sang and drummed and sang....I think for the whole two days and nights...
If I can figure out how to get the pics from my phone onto here you'll get to see Geoff and Fuggo...
Off to do some more music....
Catch you later...